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Writer's pictureAmanda Keller

Benefits of floating

Updated: Feb 6, 2019

What should I expect on my fist float experience?

The first float experience will differ from person to person, however more than likely, you will feel as though an hour is too much time to be alone with your thoughts! If you are not used to meditating, it may be a bit hard to "get out of your head" and stop thinking so much. The good news is, that is completely normal. We have stimulations all around us just about 24/7, whether it's our phone's, computers, radios, T.V.'s, billboards, music apps, social media, texting, lists of things to do etc., I could go on and on all day, but you get my point right? So you understand as to the difficulty of taking an hour and turning it all off right? Well then you should also see the importance of doing just that and turning your brain off to the constant stimulation!

How can I benefit from regular scheduled float sessions?

There are many benefits to doing a float session, but you will get the most benefit if done on a regular basis, just as with massage. Here are some of the main benefits you may start to see.

Improved sleep & less stress. The sensory deprivation component of floating also minimizes stress. In a recent study, people who floated eight times in two weeks saw their cortisol decrease by 21.6 percent. They also showed a 50.5 percent decrease in cortisol variability, meaning, they handled stressful situations better without the cortisol spikes. Floating combats stress in two main ways. First, the water’s magnesium inhibits ACTH, a hormone that drives your adrenal glands to release the stress hormone cortisol. Magnesium also improves sleep quality, which contributes to feeling less stressed.

Helps with sore muscles, muscle recovery after workouts & promotes faster injury recovery. Since floating oxygenates your body by promoting vasodilation — better blood flow to the brain, organs, and limbs — it serves to minimize muscular pain and even pain from degenerative disc disease or herniated disks.

Arthritis pain relief. Floating can help with joint issues, as it takes all the pressure of your joints while your are laying in the float tank. Over time, doing this on a regular basis, it can help with arthritis and joint pain.

Anxiety relief. Just like with meditation, floating can help with anxiety by bringing you to that zen state of mind. In a single-subject study, a 24-year-old diagnosed with autism, PTSD, anxiety, and depression participated in regular float sessions for one and a half years. She experienced beneficial therapeutic effects including improved quality of life, subjective sense of wellbeing, and healthier behaviors. The study quotes her stating: “I feel good, well, like a new person, and so it has made a great difference… It really has and I really want to continue with this because I really need it.”

Some things to consider when scheduling your float session:

•Expect some resistance from your brain, allow your thoughts to wander but don't stress about it. It helps to focus on something like; your breathing, count to 100, etc.

•Don't come with freshly dyed hair, If your hair still bleeds with fresh colored you will be asked to reschedule.

•Plan around your menstrual cycle, If it's unpredictable then plan to the best of your ability an reschedule if you need to.

•Don't schedule anything too close right after, you don't want to feel rushed getting out and needing drive right away. If possible schedule a massage right after to allow yourself some time to just be and zen out.

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